Malaysian Dishes
Talk to any Malaysian who is abroad, and one thing they’ll say that they miss about Malaysia is its food. It is almost crazy to visit Malaysia and not try out the plethora of food offerings; the colours are too irresistible to resist, let alone the aroma that comes with it. Malaysians are not wild about the formal settings of restaurants when it comes to local cuisine, so if you’re up for a bit of a gastronomical adventure with simplistic backdrops, try these ten great Malaysian dishes and be in awe of all the flavours that landed on your tongue!
Malaysian Food by Categories
Chinese Food
The unique appeal of Chinese food is its vast menu. Just as the Chinese will eat anything with their backs facing the...
Indian Food
Indian labourers migrated to Malaysia to work in rubber estates and on railways, bringing with them cooks from the land...
Malay Food
Malay food is the most commonly available as they are after all, the biggest race in Malaysia...